Youth & Children

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Serving youth and children calls for passion, patience, and faithfulness – pointing out the sacred in the midst of the chaos of adolescence and walking faithfully with young people as they transition from child to young adult.

Responding to the spiritual needs of young people is about building trusting relationships. At Christ Church Cathedral, we strive to walk alongside families and young people as they journey from childhood to adulthood, recognizing their gifts for ministry, their questions about spirituality, and their desire to make a difference in the world. 

Peaceable Kingdom

Peaceable Kingdom is our Sunday morning children’s formation from birth through age 10. This is a Waldorf style, mixed age classroom where the formation is centered in experiential and creative work, movement, and song. During Peaceable Kingdom, we make bread, play, gather for a Bible story from the lectionary reading (seasonally and age appropriate), sing songs with Mr. Jason, have tea, and reflect on the Bible story. Children are welcome to attend at 10am and stay until 12pm, leaving space for parents to attend coffee hour or brunch before the 12pm service.

For more information on Peaceable Kingdom, please email us at

Youth Ministry

More than ever, young people need a safe place to belong and discover Jesus. Christ Church Cathedral offers young people 4th – 12th grade opportunities to connect, serve, and grow in their faith. Our youth ministry is grounded in the Five Marks of Mission:
  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
  • To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
  • To respond to human need by loving service
  • To seek to transform unjust structures of society
  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth

Right now our youth ministry is actively collaborating with the Kids4Peace and meeting with youth across all of Cincinnati. Please see the Kids4Peace website for upcoming gatherings.

Laudate! Music Camp 2023

Laudate! Music Camp 2023 is happening again this summer on June 12 - 16! This FREE music camp is for ages 8-14 and is held here at the Cathedral. During this collaborative, educational, and experimental week, children will work and play with one another and our instructors learning about music, songwriting, and ukulele, forming their own bands, recording their own songs, and singing together. You can contact with any questions.

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