For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
In living out the way of love, we are called to bless - sharing our faith and unselfishly giving and serving. Jesus called his disciples to give, forgive, teach, and heal in his name. We are empowered by the Spirit to bless everyone we meet, practicing generosity and compassion, and proclaiming the Good News of God in Christ with hopeful words and selfless actions.
Here you can discover opportunities where you can live out the way of love and bless others through serving on Sundays, serving our city, or serving our beloved community.
Here you can discover opportunities where you can live out the way of love and bless others through serving on Sundays, serving our city, or serving our beloved community.

Serving on Sundays
On Sundays, we gather in community to thank, praise, and dwell with God. We hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love. Sunday worship gatherings are made possible because of the service and volunteerism of our beloved community members. Below are opportunities where you too can serve and give your time and talents on Sundays.
Noon Service Sunday Programming
Serve and bring our service and community to life. We would love for you to be involved in music, liturgy formation, volunteering in our children's programming, set-up and tear down, as well as helping with our Sunday meals. Noon Service Programming volunteers serve on Sundays or at events once a month for about 2 hours. Training and orientation can take place on Sundays.
Nursery and Children's Programming
During the 10am and Noon services volunteers are needed to hold, rock, and play with babies. We also are in need of volunteers to assist with set up, clean up, and holding space for children ages 3-8. In person training can be done individually on Sundays. All volunteers must be Safe Church trained, and Safe Church training can be done online.
The Acolyte Guild
Serving as an acolyte enhances the worship experience for our community. This serving opportunity rewards the acolyte with an in-depth appreciation and understanding of the Episcopal Church's rich liturgical heritage. Acolyte duties include assisting the clergy with candle lighting and extinguishing, distribution of alms basins to the ushers during the offertory, carrying the cross and torches for entrance/exit and Gospel processions, aiding in the act of ablutions (cleansing of the priests' hands for the Holy Eucharist), and performing special Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter tasks. Acolytes generally are scheduled to serve twice a month and can volunteer to serve at special services such as weddings and funerals. Serving as an acolyte is also a great way for youth that are in at least the 7th grade to serve. Training will be chosen on a day and time most convenient for a majority of the volunteers or scheduled on an individual basis, and one always works with an experienced partner during training.
Serve and bring our service and community to life. We would love for you to be involved in music, liturgy formation, volunteering in our children's programming, set-up and tear down, as well as helping with our Sunday meals. Noon Service Programming volunteers serve on Sundays or at events once a month for about 2 hours. Training and orientation can take place on Sundays.
Nursery and Children's Programming
During the 10am and Noon services volunteers are needed to hold, rock, and play with babies. We also are in need of volunteers to assist with set up, clean up, and holding space for children ages 3-8. In person training can be done individually on Sundays. All volunteers must be Safe Church trained, and Safe Church training can be done online.
The Acolyte Guild
Serving as an acolyte enhances the worship experience for our community. This serving opportunity rewards the acolyte with an in-depth appreciation and understanding of the Episcopal Church's rich liturgical heritage. Acolyte duties include assisting the clergy with candle lighting and extinguishing, distribution of alms basins to the ushers during the offertory, carrying the cross and torches for entrance/exit and Gospel processions, aiding in the act of ablutions (cleansing of the priests' hands for the Holy Eucharist), and performing special Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter tasks. Acolytes generally are scheduled to serve twice a month and can volunteer to serve at special services such as weddings and funerals. Serving as an acolyte is also a great way for youth that are in at least the 7th grade to serve. Training will be chosen on a day and time most convenient for a majority of the volunteers or scheduled on an individual basis, and one always works with an experienced partner during training.
The Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a team of people who care for the altar, sacred vessels, and linens of the church. Altar Guild members prepare for and clean up after services including the Eucharist, baptisms, funerals, and weddings. Altar Guild members prepare the altar and prepare the elements (bread and wine) to be administered during communion. They launder and iron altar and worship linens, polish brass and silver, prepare candles, and various other tasks. Members ensure that the liturgical paraments (e.g., altar frontal) are the appropriate color for the day and clean up after services. As a member of Altar Guild, you would serve one weekend a month or two different days, Saturday or Sunday. Training can be scheduled on an individual basis, and one always works with an experienced partner.
The Thurifer Guild
Holy smokes! Thurifers are a significant part of the liturgy and worship at the Cathedral. We call attention to the important moments in the service and symbolically purify our intentions and our space. Help fill the Cathedral with the delicate smoke of the incense, which Revelations 5:8 tells us is the prayers of God’s people. Thurifers serve about once a month with additional opportunities in Advent, Holy Week, etc.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry states that “the ministry of the vergers is to help lead the church in bearing witness in the world to the hospitality of God, by helping the church to be a truly hospitable place, by helping us to worship the Lord our God in dignity, in order, in truth in the church..." In short, the verger serves as a stage manager to keep everything running smoothly and without distractions. Training is available after Sunday services.
The Altar Guild is a team of people who care for the altar, sacred vessels, and linens of the church. Altar Guild members prepare for and clean up after services including the Eucharist, baptisms, funerals, and weddings. Altar Guild members prepare the altar and prepare the elements (bread and wine) to be administered during communion. They launder and iron altar and worship linens, polish brass and silver, prepare candles, and various other tasks. Members ensure that the liturgical paraments (e.g., altar frontal) are the appropriate color for the day and clean up after services. As a member of Altar Guild, you would serve one weekend a month or two different days, Saturday or Sunday. Training can be scheduled on an individual basis, and one always works with an experienced partner.
The Thurifer Guild
Holy smokes! Thurifers are a significant part of the liturgy and worship at the Cathedral. We call attention to the important moments in the service and symbolically purify our intentions and our space. Help fill the Cathedral with the delicate smoke of the incense, which Revelations 5:8 tells us is the prayers of God’s people. Thurifers serve about once a month with additional opportunities in Advent, Holy Week, etc.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry states that “the ministry of the vergers is to help lead the church in bearing witness in the world to the hospitality of God, by helping the church to be a truly hospitable place, by helping us to worship the Lord our God in dignity, in order, in truth in the church..." In short, the verger serves as a stage manager to keep everything running smoothly and without distractions. Training is available after Sunday services.
Ushers and greeters provide radical hospitality and welcome everyone who walks through the Cathedral doors. As ushers and greeters, you will extend a genuine greeting, welcome guests as they arrive, answer any questions, as well as perform duties during the offering and Eucharist.
Ushers and greeters provide radical hospitality and welcome everyone who walks through the Cathedral doors. As ushers and greeters, you will extend a genuine greeting, welcome guests as they arrive, answer any questions, as well as perform duties during the offering and Eucharist.
Serve Our City
Use your unique gifts to live our the Way of Love and bless our neighbors.
5000 Club
Each week the 5000 Club feeds approximately 200 people in our city. The need continues to grow, and we are looking for new volunteers to join the team and help with the following; order food; pick-up/deliver food/supplies; set-up tables & serving line; sign-in table; serve food; clean-up; dishwashing. Training can occur on any Tuesday.
Found House (formerly IHN)
For a few weeks a year, the Cathedral provides food and shelter to 5 homeless families, allowing them to stay onsite. We are looking for volunteers to provide hospitality to our guests by playing with the children, providing the evening meal, or spending a night at the Cathedral. The commitment is for one evening during the host week (5 times a year). Our next host week is November 6-12th. Training will be provided.
Each week the 5000 Club feeds approximately 200 people in our city. The need continues to grow, and we are looking for new volunteers to join the team and help with the following; order food; pick-up/deliver food/supplies; set-up tables & serving line; sign-in table; serve food; clean-up; dishwashing. Training can occur on any Tuesday.
Found House (formerly IHN)
For a few weeks a year, the Cathedral provides food and shelter to 5 homeless families, allowing them to stay onsite. We are looking for volunteers to provide hospitality to our guests by playing with the children, providing the evening meal, or spending a night at the Cathedral. The commitment is for one evening during the host week (5 times a year). Our next host week is November 6-12th. Training will be provided.
Plumb Line
Plumb Line strives to help the people of Cincinnati by preventing evictions from their homes on a one-time emergency basis. Each year, we serve over 300 people and commit $100,000 annually to these efforts. Plumb Line is staffed by volunteers who work approximately 3 hours a month, meeting with clients either in person at the church or by phone. Training with an experienced volunteer is provided.
Kids Power
Meet every other week initially for 1-2 hours to plan a new Cathedral initiative to assist the social and emotional development of inner-city children through mentorship and experiences that enhance social skills and awareness.
Plumb Line strives to help the people of Cincinnati by preventing evictions from their homes on a one-time emergency basis. Each year, we serve over 300 people and commit $100,000 annually to these efforts. Plumb Line is staffed by volunteers who work approximately 3 hours a month, meeting with clients either in person at the church or by phone. Training with an experienced volunteer is provided.
Kids Power
Meet every other week initially for 1-2 hours to plan a new Cathedral initiative to assist the social and emotional development of inner-city children through mentorship and experiences that enhance social skills and awareness.
The Native American Council
The Native American Ministry Council provides hands-on outreach by witnessing for and building awareness of the contemporary needs, values, and traditions of Native American cultures in the US and Canada; contributes to the education and theological development of leadership within Native American communities; supports initiatives to empower Native American societies and ministries related to life needs, cultural sustainability, and spiritual growth within Native American values. Training on Sundays by arrangement.
Hearts & Hands
Our Hearts and Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry is a collective of individuals who regularly meet on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM to knit and crochet in fellowship for two hours in the library. They create prayer shawls, scarves and hats, small toys, and other special gifts for members and friends of our community in need.
Creation Care
In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned about the global climate emergency and drawing from a range of approaches for our diverse contexts, the Creation Care and Environmental Justice Ministry commits to forming and restoring loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with all of Creation.
The Native American Ministry Council provides hands-on outreach by witnessing for and building awareness of the contemporary needs, values, and traditions of Native American cultures in the US and Canada; contributes to the education and theological development of leadership within Native American communities; supports initiatives to empower Native American societies and ministries related to life needs, cultural sustainability, and spiritual growth within Native American values. Training on Sundays by arrangement.
Hearts & Hands
Our Hearts and Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry is a collective of individuals who regularly meet on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM to knit and crochet in fellowship for two hours in the library. They create prayer shawls, scarves and hats, small toys, and other special gifts for members and friends of our community in need.
Creation Care
In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned about the global climate emergency and drawing from a range of approaches for our diverse contexts, the Creation Care and Environmental Justice Ministry commits to forming and restoring loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with all of Creation.
Serving Our Beloved Community
Noon Service Community Life
As a community life volunteer, we love to know your interest and availability to host moveable feasts, bible studies, and other fellowship or service opportunities. Community life volunteers serve through out the year based on season programming once a month for 2 hours.
Liturgical Arts Collective
Calling all visual artists. The Liturgical Arts Collective will envision, curate, and help execute new liturgical arts projects, events, and installations throughout the year involving parishioners and local artists in the community. This will be both project and asset-based, so members' particular gifts, tastes, and interests will shape how we gather. We will meet once a month or 6 weeks for 1.5 to 2 hours, more frequently closer to project deadlines. We ask for a volunteer time commitment of 6 months.
Transportation Coordinators
Would you like to help parishioners who do not have access to transportation attend Cathedral worship services in-person? The Cathedral provides funding to pay or reimburse taxi, bus, or Uber etc. fares round-trip for purposes of attending worship. We are looking for 1 or 2 volunteers to receive requests and coordinate transportation requests during the week. Coordinator contacts person(s), evaluates need, and then schedules car service or makes bus pass available at front desk. Training provided on an individual basis.
As a community life volunteer, we love to know your interest and availability to host moveable feasts, bible studies, and other fellowship or service opportunities. Community life volunteers serve through out the year based on season programming once a month for 2 hours.
Liturgical Arts Collective
Calling all visual artists. The Liturgical Arts Collective will envision, curate, and help execute new liturgical arts projects, events, and installations throughout the year involving parishioners and local artists in the community. This will be both project and asset-based, so members' particular gifts, tastes, and interests will shape how we gather. We will meet once a month or 6 weeks for 1.5 to 2 hours, more frequently closer to project deadlines. We ask for a volunteer time commitment of 6 months.
Transportation Coordinators
Would you like to help parishioners who do not have access to transportation attend Cathedral worship services in-person? The Cathedral provides funding to pay or reimburse taxi, bus, or Uber etc. fares round-trip for purposes of attending worship. We are looking for 1 or 2 volunteers to receive requests and coordinate transportation requests during the week. Coordinator contacts person(s), evaluates need, and then schedules car service or makes bus pass available at front desk. Training provided on an individual basis.
The Flower Guild
Do you love to arrange flowers? The Flower Guild meets on Saturday morning to prepare flower arrangements for the nave, chapel, and Fourth Street entrance. Other arrangements are sometimes requested. Each member of the flower guild arranges approximately one Saturday per month. A training workshop for new members will be scheduled sometime in October.
Events & Hospitality
As a hospitality volunteer, you will be given opportunities to help with various events! This could be a range of skills including cooking, bartending, decorating, and setting up for events. There is no expectation of your volunteer time, as opportunities will be on an "as needed" basis. Training will be given.
The Cathedral Library provides meaningful spiritual, educational, and literary resources for our community. As a library volunteer, you would help process new books, keep the collection in order, and suggest new acquisitions. Training would be on an individual basis.
Do you love to arrange flowers? The Flower Guild meets on Saturday morning to prepare flower arrangements for the nave, chapel, and Fourth Street entrance. Other arrangements are sometimes requested. Each member of the flower guild arranges approximately one Saturday per month. A training workshop for new members will be scheduled sometime in October.
Events & Hospitality
As a hospitality volunteer, you will be given opportunities to help with various events! This could be a range of skills including cooking, bartending, decorating, and setting up for events. There is no expectation of your volunteer time, as opportunities will be on an "as needed" basis. Training will be given.
The Cathedral Library provides meaningful spiritual, educational, and literary resources for our community. As a library volunteer, you would help process new books, keep the collection in order, and suggest new acquisitions. Training would be on an individual basis.
Stephen's Ministry
Christ Church Cathedral will be launching a Stephen Ministry, providing high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in our beloved community experiencing life difficulties. Stephen Ministry Care Givers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation.
We are looking for three additional persons to join the Stephen Ministry Leader Team, and are looking for anyone interested in becoming a Stephen Ministry Care Giver. The Stephen Ministry Care Giver would be trained by the Leadership Team and be matched with a Care Receiver. The Care Giver would meet and lend Christ-centered listening and support to the Care Receiver for one hour a week, for as long as the Care Receiver and Care Giver choose. Training is provided.
Christ Church Cathedral will be launching a Stephen Ministry, providing high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in our beloved community experiencing life difficulties. Stephen Ministry Care Givers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation.
We are looking for three additional persons to join the Stephen Ministry Leader Team, and are looking for anyone interested in becoming a Stephen Ministry Care Giver. The Stephen Ministry Care Giver would be trained by the Leadership Team and be matched with a Care Receiver. The Care Giver would meet and lend Christ-centered listening and support to the Care Receiver for one hour a week, for as long as the Care Receiver and Care Giver choose. Training is provided.