Annual Meeting

2025 Annual Meeting

Sunday, February 23, is our annual meeting. On this day, we will have one combined community service at 10am. We ask all those who call Christ Church Cathedral their parish to worship together at 10am and then attend Annual Meeting which will start immediately following worship. There will be no 8am or Noon Service that day.
Why We Meet
· According to the canon law of the Episcopal Church and the by-laws of Christ Church Cathedral, the Cathedral must hold an annual meeting to discuss the business of the church or state of the Cathedral, as well as to elect new persons to serve on the vestry and in other official roles.

· The annual meeting provides the Cathedral community a wonderful opportunity to gather in fellowship and talk and learn about cathedral affairs, mission, vision, ministry, etc. It is also a time for members of the Cathedral to ask questions and share their concerns and hopes. There will be time dedicated to a question-and-answer session at this meeting.

· The meeting will consist of the Dean’s address (to take place during the worship service) and reports from the wardens, treasurer, and other selected committees/ministries. These reports are designed to provide an informative overview of our previous year, and should also touch on the future (i.e., projects, ministries, challenges, etc.).

2025 Nominees & Voting

To be eligible to vote, a person must meet the following criteria; 
- 16 years of age, regularly attend Christ Church Cathedral for one year, and be a contributing member. Contributing members gave financially in 2024, OR have made a pledge for 2025. If you did not make a pledge, you still can at

Online voting will open at 12 pm on Monday, February 9th.
Please make sure to check your inbox as voting credentials for voting will be sent via email.
If you have questions about voting, or do not receive an email invitation to vote,
please contact Samantha Stanford at
Per the by-laws, nominations were accepted through December 18, 2024. Any nominations brought forward after this date must be made by noon on Friday, February 7, 2025, by the congregation, with ten (10) members supporting the nomination to be added to the ballot.

(Voting for one one-year term)
Don Lane

(Voting for one one-year term)
Olden Warren

(Voting for one five-year term and one, one-year unexpired term)
Steve Gerdsen
Matthew Smith (1-year unexpired term)
(Voting for five positions with three-year terms and two unexpired one-year term left vacant)
John Deatrick
Mary Hagner (returning/current Vestry Member)
Laura Lamb
Bailey Leo
Frank McWilliams
Tom Schuck
Michael Unger (returning/current Vestry Member)

(The 2 people with the least number of votes will fill the 2 unexpired one-year terms)

(Voting for two, two-year terms)
Janet Fedders
Bob Shawver
Karen Taylor
Chris Williams

(Two Delegates and Two Alternates)
Drew Abbott
Connor Annable
Elizabeth Brown
Susan Pace
Suzann Parker Leist
Shirley Wang
On 02/12/2024 the Vestry of the Episcopal Society of Christ Church ("the Cathedral") approved the submission of the following changes to the Code of Regulations ("the Regulations") to be submitted to the membership of the Cathedral for approval at the 2025 annual meeting under Article XII of the Regulations.  All voting members of the congregation will be asked to vote on this matter on the day of the annual meeting on a paper ballot.  If you have any questions in this regard, please email Carine de Lange (
The congregation will be asked to approve:
  1. that Article IV, Section 3 of the Regulations be amended as follows:
    1. in the second sentence, remove the phrase “Article III, Section 2 of…” 
  1. that Article V of the Regulations be amended as follows:
    1. in line 8, remove "and" at the end of the line
    2. in line 9, at the end of the sentence, add the following language:  ;and at-large members of the Budget and Finance Committee, to be elected under Article XII of these Regulations.  
  1. that a new Article XII of the Regulations shall be added as follows:
               Section 1.  Budget and Finance Committee:  A budget and finance committee shall be elected and appointed for the purpose of developing the annual budget of the Cathedral for presentation to the Vestry. All members of the Budget and Finance Committee shall serve for a one-year term.  At-large members are limited to three one-year terms and then are eligible to run for another term after having not served for two years.   The Budget and Finance Committee shall consist of the following members:  two appointed by the Dean of the Cathedral; one appointed by the Trustees of the Endowment Funds, on a rotating basis, meaning that the same person shall not serve in successive years; three at-large members elected by a plurality vote at the annual meeting of the Cathedral; the Senior Warden of the Cathedral; the Junior Warden of the Cathedral; and the Treasurer of the Cathedral.   In addition, such staff of the Cathedral shall serve on the Budget and Finance Committee on an ad hoc basis as the Dean of the Cathedral shall deem necessary in a non-voting capacity.  The role of the Budget and Finance Committee will be to assist the Cathedral and Cathedral staff in developing and making recommendations regarding the annual budget.   Approval of the annual budget will remain in the sole discretion of the Vestry.
  1. that existing Article XII of the Regulations shall be renumbered as Article XIII.